Winning: New Landscape, New Requirements

There are four kinds of people I’ve experienced in business. Those who seek to be liked. Those who seek to be comfortable. Those who believe they are right – all the time. And, those who have an insatiable desire to win. I am a winner.

Winners sacrifice. When the going gets tough. Winners keep going, despite it all. They are smart at what they do. Their passion and courage is admirable. They do not complain about the world economy or business conditions. They understand the world economy is not coming back, but, rather, the world economy is moving forward. Winners move forward and adapt.

Winners will win. Again, winners sacrifice. Success takes sacrifice. Winners are the ones’ who will be high achievers in business for the 21st Century.  High achievers in 21st century business want to win, know how to win, and teach and coach others ways to develop intrinsic qualities to become insatiable winners.

A final note on winning. The US public education system, truthfully, does not teach entrepreneurism. Our education molds students to become effective employees or small business owners, not big business owners and investors. For the 21st Century, I am advocating the spirit and letter of the educational curriculum be overhauled from Kindergarten to PhD studies, to inspire students to become big business owners and investors. This is a radical change.  But, it is necessary for our US economy to stay number one and to…win.